Termékek élelmiszerek és (104)

Fagyasztott hús - nyersanyagok

Fagyasztott hús - nyersanyagok

Frozen meat Available packages: 0.500 kg package 2.00 kg package Product features: The snails are cooked once for 5-7 minutes. Removed from the shells, cleaned, washed and frozen. This product is not ready for direct consumption and undergoes subsequent heat treatment (cooking, frying, etc.) Storage: – 18 ° С
Cukor Táska

Cukor Táska

Sugar Bag
Élelmiszer-kiegészítő palack

Élelmiszer-kiegészítő palack

Food supplement bottle with closure 75ml




Sesame Creame
Colvita Élelmiszer-kiegészítő, 60-120 Kapszula

Colvita Élelmiszer-kiegészítő, 60-120 Kapszula

Keeps the skin inside by making it smooth, supple and silky Hydrates the deepest layers of the skin Applied regularly, slows down the aging process of tissues Visibly improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails Regenerates the structure of connective tissue, cartilage, bone, collagen structures of the eyeball and hair


Gluten-free We offer more than 100 types of Gluten-free products. Gluten-free bread is an essential part of a gluten-free diet. Gluten-free products can be used to produce the following gluten free foods : bread,pancake mix,desserts and other. To include gluten-free foods in your gluten-free diet is a very important aspect. Inlerance to gluten is known as celiac disease. Gluten free diet is the only effective treatment that ensures that patients with celiac disease have excellent digestion, characterized by the disappearance of clinical symptoms. Normalization of blood test results and restoration of normal intestinal mucosa membrane structure. Celiakia, or so-called. gluten enteropathy is an inherited disease.The unpleasant thing is that most patients live without diagnosis, giving their symptoms to other diseases. And these are: diarrhea, nutrient absorption disorder, anemia. These manifestations are due to damage to the small intestine in the use of gluten.
Aksanta Élelmiszer-kiegészítő 60 Kapszula, 700 Mg

Aksanta Élelmiszer-kiegészítő 60 Kapszula, 700 Mg

An essential component of the food supplement AXANTA is astaxanthin, a special carotenoid in nature, which is found in plants and animals, without exception and is considered a healthy food. It is astaxanthin, which stains salmon meat and many mussels consumed as seafood, as well as seaweed, including Haematococcus pluvialis. Astaxanthin is a substance that is especially sought after by consumers of dietary supplements. For years, only leading manufacturers of food supplements have made their products from it.
Oracle Élelmiszer-kiegészítő 60 Kapszula, 459 Mg

Oracle Élelmiszer-kiegészítő 60 Kapszula, 459 Mg

Oracle is a real antioxidant bomb. In addition to extracts of dried fruits, vegetables and spices, the Oracol supplement includes glutathione and L-cysteine. It also affects the body through its ingredients, which activate its natural antioxidant mechanism. It is thus the first complex antioxidant supplement on the market to give the human body powerful support in the fight against free radical aggression.


Pékség keverék rozskenyérhez - Kenyérkeverék rozskenyérhez

Pékség keverék rozskenyérhez - Kenyérkeverék rozskenyérhez

Rye bread mix Rye bread -bakery mix Dark crumb,strong crust and good keeping qualities. Typical taste and appealing flavour of rye bread, like produced with sour dough. Easy to produce , even for bakers without experience in rye bread production. Easy to produce , even for bakers without experience in rue bread production. For optimal ovenspring and a crispy crust With very aromaric typical sour dough arome Rye bread is actually one of the healthiest cereals in the world! Some of the most impressive health benefits of rye flour are its ability to help you fight diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weight gain, cancer, inflammatory processes and high blood pressure. The products listed on our site are the most commonly used. We can produce all kinds of bread improver, bakery mix, substitutes and bread leaven based on Lactobacillus bulgaricus that are found around the world. We can adapt our products to the specific requirements in your country.


Sunflower Oil


Bread improver MAX-WAY A perfect combination of ingredients for the improvement of wheat bread, buns, rolls and croissants. Bread improver for all kind of wheat bread, buns,loaf, rolls and croassants Significantly increases the bread volume Improved life shell, structure and softness Improving crumb properties Fine porosity-Flexibility and stability Resizes the stickiness of the dough- Bleaching Reduces sticking of the dough Improves the color of the crust Strengthens gluten and improves the physical properties of the dough Promotes the production of finished products of a larger volume, independent of the quality of flour Receive products of standard quality from flour with reduced baking properties. Bread awakens with white crumb and ruddy crust. Increases the yield of finished products, by increasing the water-absorbing capacity of flour The MAX-MAY is used to optimize dough processing
Fehér Napraforgó - Biológiai

Fehér Napraforgó - Biológiai

Суровите органични слънчогледови семки са богат източник на протеини - 6 грама на порция. Те съдържат също така есенциални мастни киселини като олеинова и линолова киселина, които са свързани с понижаване на нивата на кръвната захар, намаляване на „лошия“ холестерол и подобряване на метаболизма.
Koldeka Élelmiszer-kiegészítő 60 Kapszula, 680 Mg

Koldeka Élelmiszer-kiegészítő 60 Kapszula, 680 Mg

Vitamin D contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus, helps the proper functioning of muscles, maintaining healthy bones and teeth, as well as maintaining proper calcium levels in the blood and participating in the cellular process. division.
Szárított Csipkebogyó - Organikus és Természetes

Szárított Csipkebogyó - Organikus és Természetes

“MOUNTAIN ROSE BULGARIA" Ltd. is a manufacturer and wholesaler of 100% natural raw materials. Our focus is on organic and natural products we deliver all over the world – from Bulgaria. We boast rich experience (being established for many years) in manufacturing and the export of dried organic and natural medicinal aromatic plants, herbal extracts (TBC, powder, chopped), seeds, essential oils, hydrolats ( flower waters ) , cold-pressed oils, absolutes, concretes, capsules. Today, the company boasts the image of a reliable and loyal partner, one of the main Bulgarian exporters. We trade with countries all over Europe, England, Australia, the USA, Japan, China, Singapore, New Zealand, among others. We have more then 250 tons of Dry Rosehp / Rosa Canina / and we can do for you on shell, powder from shell, powder from whle rosehip, seed, cut and cold press oil from seed or fruit. Alos, we can offer you frozen rose hips. We free to conntact us. We are at your disposal!


Produit Bulgare. Contactez-nous !
Bio Napraforgó Olaj - Hidegen Préselt és Magas Oleinsavtartalmú

Bio Napraforgó Olaj - Hidegen Préselt és Magas Oleinsavtartalmú

Извлича се от висококачествени белени слънчогледови ядки, чрез студено пресоване, без загряване и без химична обработка. Предимства: - мек аромат и приятен вкус - без химична обработка Подходящо за: - овкусяване на салати - приготвяне на сосове Не съдържа токсични остатъчни агенти (киселини) от химични обработки, понеже в процеса на добиване такива не се използват.Използва се само и единствено в студената кухня – салати, зеленчукови джобове или се добавя към термично обработени храни, когато изстинат.
Bio Tehénfű Magok - Bio Tehénfű Magok nyers élelmiszer minőségben az EU ökológiai tanúsítvánnyal rendelkező ültetvényéről

Bio Tehénfű Magok - Bio Tehénfű Magok nyers élelmiszer minőségben az EU ökológiai tanúsítvánnyal rendelkező ültetvényéről

Bio Milk Thistle Seeds (Silybum Marianum) - pure natural origin in raw food quality, organically certified. Highly purified and rich in Silymarin.
Javító spagettihez, makarónihoz, vermicellihez, tésztához.

Javító spagettihez, makarónihoz, vermicellihez, tésztához.

Improver for spaghetti,macaroni,vermicelli,noodles,pasta. This product makes it possible to produce paste and noodles from "non-durum wheat flour" .The improver allows the use - common wheat flour, rice and corn or mixed flour. The paste and noodles is of the same quality as traditional pasta made from durum wheat flour. The price of the final product decreases more than three times . No difference in the quality from the traditional product. The ready products have well manifested gloss, colour, solidity, hyaline surface, and they increase their volume when boiled. The improver increases water absorption and improves dough properties during processing. Products made with this improver are cooked without sticking together and they have pleasant odour and taste. The ready pasta products are boiled for shorter time and do not decompose. The duration of the technological process is shortened and energy consumption is reduced. The time for drying in the manufacturer factory is reduced.
Bio csipkebogyó por - Biológiailag tanúsított csipkebogyó por az EU-ból

Bio csipkebogyó por - Biológiailag tanúsított csipkebogyó por az EU-ból

Organic certified rosehip powder/flour made from whole fruits - husk and seeds of rosehip. Fully natural product with no additives. Rosehip powder is processed in raw food quality and is also vegan and gluten free. The product is finely ground to approximately 200-400µm. The rosehips used are naturally rich in nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and also in minerals Magnesium and Calcium. The above is proven by laboratory results. Perfect for inclusion in various healthy foods like: smoothie, joghurt, juices, raw bars, raw pralines; also in baked dishes as a rosehip flour: pancakes, cupcakes etc.


Szárított Kamilla Virágok - Organikus és Természetes

Szárított Kamilla Virágok - Organikus és Természetes

“MOUNTAIN ROSE BULGARIA" Ltd. is a manufacturer and wholesaler of 100% natural raw materials. Our focus is on organic and natural products we deliver all over the world – from Bulgaria. We boast rich experience (being established for many years) in manufacturing and the export of dried organic and natural medicinal aromatic plants, herbal extracts (TBC, powder, chopped), seeds, essential oils, hydrolats ( flower waters ) , cold-pressed oils, absolutes, concretes, capsules. Today, the company boasts the image of a reliable and loyal partner, one of the main Bulgarian exporters. We trade with countries all over Europe, England, Australia, the USA, Japan, China, Singapore, New Zealand, among others. We can offer you high quality of Organic Dry Chamomile flowers for TEA, / Chamomilla matricaria / up to 70 tons per year. We have extra quality, first quality, whole with stalk, whole with short handle, industry, TBC, powder. The origin is only from Bulgaria. wild collection and cultivated....
Bio Napraforgó Olaj - Főzéshez és Magas Oleinsav

Bio Napraforgó Olaj - Főzéshez és Magas Oleinsav

Произведено по сертифицирана биологична технология от висококачествени биологични слънчогледови семена. Подходящо за термична обработка и студена консумация. Предимства: - подходящ за многократна употреба Подходящо за: - приготвяне на сосове, маринати и майонеза - овкусяване на салати Високоолеиновите олиа се произвеждат от специален вид слънчоглед, който е с високо съдържание на мононенаситени мазнини. Такива мазнини присъстват в зехтина, но той има и много полиненаситени мазнини, което го прави неподходящ избор за готвене. Съдържанието на олеинова киселина, прави олиотото подходящо за пържене и издръжливо на висока температура.Благодарение на линоловата киселина в състава, мазнината повишава имунната защита на организма.


BREAD SOFTENER BIO-TOP SOFT BREAD SOFTENER BIO-TOP SOFT BREAD IMPROVER FOR ALL KIND OF WHEAT BREAD, ROLLS, LOAF AND CROISSANTS. Improved crumb softness and structure Improving the overall production technology BIO-TOP SOFT keep bread soft and fresh for a long time. Maintaining the crumb freshness of baked goods is an important quality parameter. Loss of crumb freshness, that is staling, has a significant negative financial impact on bakers as stale returns may account for 10-15% of production output. BIO-TOP SOFT has excellent fresh keeping properties,thereby prolonging crumb softness and elasticity during storage. The key benefits of using BIO-TOP SOFT for fresh keeping are: Significant reduction of stale returns and associated costs. Maintained crumb softness: BIO-TOP SOFT maintains crumb softness Maintained crumb elasticity:BIO-TOP SOFT preserves crumb elasticity resulting in improved mouth feel in stored bread.


Bio gyógynövény méz - Popovi, Kalofer

Bio gyógynövény méz - Popovi, Kalofer

Биологичен пчелен мед Билков - Попови гр. Калофер - Полифлорният пчелен мед на семейтво Попови се събира през юни и юли след акациевата паша. През този период на годината в биологичния район на пчеларстване цъфтят най-различни диворастящи билки. Билковия мед на семйство Попови е силен на вкус, цвета е червеникав и има доста интензивен аромат . Усеща се присъствието на магарешки бодил, липа, лавандула, див кориандър и други билки. Предлагаме Ви органичен пчелен мед - Билков 100 % биологичен пчелен мед добит чрез центрофугиране; Продукт е съхраняван в специално помещение на температура от 15 до 25 °С без излагане на слънчева светлина; Отговаря на всички изисквания от БАБХ (наредба № 26 от 2010 г. ); Сертифициран от Балкан Биосерт; Разфасовки: 0.410гр.
Bolgár beluga tokhal kaviár

Bolgár beluga tokhal kaviár

Origine: Bulgarie
Vitamin C-olway Élelmiszer-kiegészítő 100 Kapszula, 615 Mg

Vitamin C-olway Élelmiszer-kiegészítő 100 Kapszula, 615 Mg

The avant-garde vitamin C-olway helps produce collagen, which maintains healthy blood vessels, bones and skin. Regular use of vitamin C-olway will not only bring you smoother and more radiant skin, but also above all will support your immune system and metabolism, as well as reduce the feeling of fatigue, which will improve your overall mood. It is currently one of the best vitamin C in the world. 100% natural.
Tender Food - csomagolási sorozat és vizuális identitás

Tender Food - csomagolási sorozat és vizuális identitás

Опаковки и визуална идентичностс за полу-готови храни, приготвени чрез технология SOUS VIDE.